Thursday, July 12, 2018

A World Without…Me

When my children were born, I couldn’t imagine my world without them in it. As a matter of fact, they seemed to have always been a part of my world. I just hadn’t met them yet. 

I have always seen this world in a constant state of change. Oxymoron? Probably. But I think about the energy we all bring to this world. I see the enormity of what happens when somebody in power abuses the power and that abuse of power affects hundreds of thousands of people.

I see the microcosm of that abuse in parents who alter the course of their children’s lives by abusing their power, too. What choices will those children make and how will those choices affect people around them?

I see how the death of one person affects loved ones who have to live in this world without that person. Everything changes. Everything feels different. The world after that person’s death is not the same world it was before that person died. Loved ones who remain live in a completely different world and have to adjust – everything.

So no short leap of wonder exists between how the world was yesterday, how it is today, and how it will be in the future. One day, this world I’ve lived in for nearly 7 decades will go on without me. I can’t imagine that world either.

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